Academic Tutoring tailor made for all your needs
With over 25 years of experience,
Chuck Koton is one of the top tutors in the Los Angeles area.
Click here to read the reviews.
At the AP level in World history, European history, US history, Art History as well as US government, we provide tutoring in all these fields for students between the ages of 13 to 22.
Spanish Language Tutoring
We teach Spanish grammar and writing to Beginner students all the way up to Advanced student level. Our teachers provide practice materials as well as conversation to best prepare our students.

Your Tutor
Chuck Koton
Tailor made tutoring services
Paying attention to the specific needs of each and every student sets us apart from most. With over twenty years on the market within the Los Angeles County area, we can help you achieve your goals.
Chuck Koton was born in NYC and graduated from the University of California @Santa Barbara, where he majored in Political Science. He received his Masters Degree then completed all necessary course work in the PhD program(ABD).
For the last 25 years, Chuck Koton’s personal tutoring has helped hundreds of students achieve their academic potential in their History, Spanish and English classes.
Chuck has decades of experience helping students who attend the most challenging schools on the Westside of Los Angeles. Over time he has established close relationships with students and their families.
Chuck is a well appreciated jazz photographer and writer. He enjoys jazz music and is passionate about literature.
For personal thank you notes and recommendation letters,
please visit this page.
+1 310 567 2572
Years of Experienece
Happy Clients
Client Feedback
This letter is written on behalf of Chuck Koton, who I have know for seventeen years. Chuck has tutored three of my children, and in that capacity, I have had the chance to closely observe his work. He is intelligent, and knowledgeable in a number of subjects, including Spanish, History, English and the Humanities. Chuck has an engaging matter with his students, creating at atmosphere that enhances their desire and ability to learn. He helps them organize, teaches them to be independent thinkers, and gives them confidence in themselves. All of my children improved under his guidance, and indeed, they would have had a very difficult time in school without him. As a testimony to Chuck's skills and personality, they still keep in touch with him, even though they are now adults. In addition, I have referred many friends' children to Chuck for tutoring, and all of them have raved about his performance.
I would like to highly recommend my daughters AP History Tutor. He was amazing! He actually made learning US History fun and gave my son and daughter practical tools for studying the vast amount of info needed for the tests. It was very successful. Chuck 310-567-2572 (text him if you're interested). He also tutors in English and Spanish.
It gives me great pleasure to recommend Mr. Chuck Koton to you without hesitation or qualification. I have known Mr. Koton for many years and have had the opportunity to observe his work with students first hand. Mr. Koton has an extensive knowledge base and years of direct experience with students, which I know you expect of your faculty. Moreover, he possesses a kind and caring nature and inspires his students. I have referred many of my learning disabled students to Mr. Koton. In each instance he has helped them to achieve academic progress and has had a positive impact on their self esteem and life course. I have advised many of my medical students and child psychiatric fellows to refer their patients to him for these reasons. This is the best recommendation I can give any co-professional. If you wish further information please do not hesitate to contact me at the university.
I have had the privilege of knowing Chuck for over ten years. He is one of the most insightful, articulate, compassionate, engaging, and creative people I have ever met. Chuck tutored my son during this time period in a wide range of subjects including English, History, Spanish, and different Social Sciences. This tutoring relationship spanned 5th grade to his sophomore year of college. At each level, Chuck provided invaluable guidance and insight. He has the incredible ability to take a complicated concept and make it understandable and to discern the student’s level of knowledge and learning style so that he can make the lesson responsive to both. Mr. Koton is not only an outstanding teacher but he is also a Renaissance person and has a great sense of humor. He can translate the realities of every day life and the news headlines and show the connection between what a child is studying and these realities. Anyone who has contact with him feels enhanced by this experience.
Neighborhood gem available to tutor any History AP...I would like to recommend Chuck Koton as a tutor for your high schooler or middle schooler (any History, Span or Eng Lit classes). I was introduced to Chuck Koton by requesting a tutor specializing in AP US History on Nextdoor Mandeville. Given the new challenges students face because of COVID, help from an expert tutor can be invaluable. Thankfully, various members quickly responded and recommended Chuck. We couldn't be more pleased with his effective style of teaching. Not only is he incredibly knowledgeable, he is engaged, kind and encouraging. Though Chuck used to provide in-home sessions before COVID-19, he is now available via Facetime or Zoom. You can contact him at (310) 567-2572.